My Cousin Karri's Family:Louis and Bill

Brian and Tad the best man

Cousin Michelle

My Cousin's Kids: Brayden, Lilly, & Justina

Grandma's Sisters: Great Aunt Dotsy and Marryanne

Cousin Nikki! The Matron of Honor

Gma and Ava: Nikki's girl

Grandpa lookin Good

Cousin Billy holding niece Ava

Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Joe

Cousins: Joey and Karri

Karri's Girl: Lilly

Best Friends forever (& Cousins)

Justina and Lilly

Family: Nick, Billy & Tony

Aunt Casey and Uncle Bill

Three Generations: Shane, Uncle David, and Gpa

Aunt Suby and Uncle Jerry and Joey

Grandma and Grandpa Hoefelmann
Great Pictures Racheal!
I really enjoyed the tunes, the pics, and your family.
You are such a blessing to me on this beautiful day that the Lord has made.
In His Love,
Terry Burton
Your a luck guy! The Lord has really blessed you with a good wife!
Never take her for granted.
She is worth more than precious
rubies. God Bless!
In His Love,
Terry Burton
Rach! I love your short hair! It looks awesome on you!
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