On Sunday Nathan and I had the special privilege of meeting Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, one of the living 12 apostles on the earth today. He and Elder Perry were visiting the New York area to do some leadership training and took the time to hold a Stake Conference just to be with the members of the Manhattan area. The meeting was held in a ballroom so that the whole stake could fit. This was the first time that I'd ever been in the presence of an Apostle. Elder Holland shared a wonderful message that I will tell about later, but the best part was after the meeting Nate and I waited our turn to meet him. We were both so nervous!! I told Nate that I hadn't seen him that nervous since he had proposed to me. I was nearly in tears because to me that is what it must have been like when everyone wanted to be by the Savior, hear him, and touch him. Elder Holland was so wonderful to everyone. He was patting peoples cheeks, rubbing there heads, holding them, and telling everyone he loved them! When it was our turn I told him, "Elder Holland, I'm Dexter and Deniece's Granddaughter," and he said..."You are!! We are relatives on two sides." He pulled me in and gave me a huge hug!! Then I introduced Nate who was too nervous to speak. He gave Nate a huge hug as Nate layed his head on his shoulder. Then he asked if Nate had been to Pine Valley yet. He told him that he had, and Elder Holland said,"Good cause you aren't family until you've been to Pine Valley!" He then touched my face and told us he loved us. It was truly a precious moment that Nate and I will always remember. We've always wanted to meet him and now we finally have.
thats awesome! he loves you!!
Rachael! That is so amazing! What a special experience :)
wow! awesome!
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