Me & the birthday girl, Melissa!

Most of the Party

Yuhi, Shannon, & I

So Its been quite some time since I've blogged regularly. We are alive and well! Haven't really slept much for some reason...don't quite know why. We're working on this one. Just some updates. We have been called to be the CTR 5 teachers at church. We're enjoying it and look forward to teaching the group of kids that we have. They are cute and Nate is great with the kids. Also, I have been at my new job for about 3 weeks now and I'm loving it. Little Sadie is just precious and I love taking care of her. I couldn't have been blessed with a more perfect job. I'm very grateful for the way things have come together. Also, I've started school online which has been a really neat experience. I still get to feel the "Spirit of Ricks" without actually being there in Idaho. (And I've heard that it has snowed like crazy this winter in Idaho, so I'm happy to have the frigid NY winter without much snow. ) Being an online student is very different though. I already sometimes wonder why I decided that I wanted to finish school...cause its so much work. I went from having nothing to do in New York to lots to do. Gotta love it! I guess you could say that Nate has started busy season work. He usually gets home anytime from 8-11 at night. Luckily I have lots to do now! Last weekend a couple in our ward had a birthday party at a place in Time Square called Dave and Busters. It's like a big Chuck E Cheeses for grown ups. Nate had a blast playing basketball and Deal or No Deal at the arcade. We had a good time, despite the fact that they almost didn't want to let me in cause I'm not 21 yet! That was a little embarassing. When I told the guys at the door that it was okay cause I wouldn't be drinking and neither would any of our party he looked at me and laughed. They let me in because almost everyone else was 25 or older, but it will just sound better to say that I am 21. No worries...birthdays are coming up for Nate and I. Which means we've almost been married for a year and half. These are some pictures from the party.
If I go to NEw York in July I would love to see you! We will have to see if I can afford it though!!
I'm so happy I found your blog. I'm so glad you are loving your job. Now if only I could find one. We had so much fun with you guys at Melissa's party. We have to get together again. By the way, I am always at home so if you are ever bored babysitting you should come over or we could go for a walk or something. Anyways let me know. Hope you are doing wonderful. Becky Mennear
Rachel I just found your blog through Melissa's blog. It is so cute. I'm totally adding you to my blog so I can check back often.
Oh my gosh you have NO idea how much we miss you guys!! He hasn't been offered a job yet but he hasn't been down to the teacher fairs yet...so cross your fingers hopefully we find one in Washington...How's life missy?
hi rachael, fox is dancing to the music on your blog... he approves. :) found you through ruth... thanks again for the yogurtland giftcard... you guys know my secret shame.
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