August was a momentous month full of change and celebration. On the 11th we celebrated our 2 year wedding annivesary and the 14th marked our 1 year anniversary in New York City! We vividly remember arriving here last year with 4 overweight suitcases and 4 bags. We flew into Long Island of all places (we really didn't know what we were doing...that is just where Southwest flew into). We realized that one of our bags didn't make it on the same flight as us, but it turned out to be a blessing because only what we had fit in the taxi with us. (The suitcase arrived at 2 in the morning that night.) We had one of the friendliest cab drivers i have ever met here in the city (let's be honest, they all talk on the phone and look like they're talking to themselves). His name was Danny (like my brother) and he gave us lots of good advice as he drove us from Long Island to the Upper East Side. As we made our way to the Nielsen's apartment where we would be subletting for the next two weeks I remember feeling like we were in a foreign country. We lived on macaroni and tuna the following days as we spent our time apartment hunting and navigating the city. Two wards later and a giant leap across the East River landed us our lovely one bedroom walk up on 88th street. We grew to love Yorkville and the ward so much that we couldn't pass up the opportunity to move into a new apartment nearby once our lease was up. It was a great apartment for our first year in the city, but we have sure enjoyed our new apartment that we moved into on August 8th. We're still not fully settled, but we couldn't have done it without the help of the ward. Last year I promised Nate that I would be hiring someone for the next move after we hauled all of our stuff by ourselves the 8 blocks and 5 flights....Welcome to New York right?! Thanks so much to everyone who pitched in, and sorry Dustin for the battlewound...you were amazing! Pictures of the new apartment to come.
Oh, you guys are too cute! I love your pictures!
Awww! You're so cute! Happy Anniversary!
How Romantic! Happy Anniversary! I can't believe you have already been in New York for a year. That year flew by!!!
Happy Anniversaries! Your wedding anniversary sounds like it was absolutely romantic and wonderful (good job Nate!).
NYC is an amazing place to be and we are so grateful that we moved here the same time as you and Nate. You both are great and it has been fun sharing this experience with you!
Nate- I am so happy that Rach has found such a great husband!! I always knew her little prince charming would come along and he has!! Thanks so much for taking such good care of her! Happy Annviversary you to the both of you!
oh so sweat, it looks like you had an amazing time. Can't wait to see pictures of your new apartment.
sweet! woops
rachy! i just now got caught up on your blog! You are an awsome writer! My hat is off to you! You really have a nack with words and telling a story!!
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