I went to a New Jersey Nets basketball game last Friday after work. Towards the end of the game I decided to go down closer to the action. So with about 4 minutes left in the game I went down to the lower level. With about 1 minute left in the game I found myself right above the tunnel where the players run into the locker room after the game. Most of the players had already run in except for Vince Carter and Devin Harris because they were talking to the media. The first one to go into the locker room was Vince Carter and he waved on the way in. Then the last person to go in was the Net's point guard Devin Harris. He started in toward the tunnel and I was waving and yelling at him. Then all of a sudden he took off his warm-up jersey and threw it right at me. I had the whole thing in my hand and then everyone around decided they wanted it, so I got mauled by a crowd of people. The person next to me grabbed about a fourth of the Jersey and all these other people started swarming around me. I decided since I had the whole jersey at first no one was going to take it from me. So I pulled as hard as I could and I had the jersey in my possession again. At this point I saw the security guard next to me so I said "get these people off me". The security guard then said "you got it make a run for it!" At this point I wasn't going to wait around to see who would try to take it next so I ran to the exit with the jersey under my jacket and I didn't pull it out again till I was safe in our apartment back in Manhattan. When I got home I threw it at Rachael. She was like "What is that? No wonder you were so excited on the phone!" She doesn't appreciate the finer things in life ... NBA memorabilia. So that is a picture of me above with Devin Harris' warm-up jersey (my longest post ever)!

And Lastly, our something different is our Christmas Wreath. We didn't get a Christmas tree this year because we one, don't have room for a tree but could make room if we really wanted to and secondly, because we're going to Utah next weekend so there was really no point. We were kind of sad about the idea of not having a tree so I really contemplated taking crayons and drawing a tree and a star on our super blank white walls just like Winnie the Pooh does on "Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too" (if you haven't seen this darling Winnie the Pooh episode I highly recommend it for the holidays. It reminds me of my childhood and makes me miss my brother Danny...sorry about the tangent.) Instead I went to an enrichment activity with the sisters in our ward and got materials to make our own wreath. I brought them home and Nate helped me put it together. I kind of just grabbed scraps of ribbon and whatever bulbs were left so here is our masterpiece. Don't laugh!!! We know its not very pretty and that's simply cause we're not that crafty of a couple, but it will do, and it put us in the Christmas spirit. Maybe one year I'll learn how to make a really pretty bow and we can put some real effort into making a really pretty wreath. For now we're enjoying our "fresh smelling pine needles!-Nathan"
That's a cute wreath Rach!! You did good! For real! And Nate...I agree..that is totally one of the finer things in life!! Memorabilia!
hahah. You guys get a huge tree in New York City and we don't get that. So you do have a tree!
Rachael,NO I can't believe all you kids are growing up and having kids of your own. ITs wonderful! You know I just love you guys! Hows Danny? I'm with Jen on this tree thing! I'm impressed with your wreath! The jersey story is the best. And it came straight off the player!Cool. Come and say hi if you get a free min when you get here!
Rachel the Wreath is darling, way better than I could do! Are you guys still coming up to Rexburg? We will be at our apartment the whole time so let me know if you want to come visit!
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