Friday, January 28, 2011

What's Wrong With This Picture?

So on my way home from work yesterday I saw a man riding his unicycle in the snow. Really?! The woman beside me turned to me and said, "At first I thought he was riding a regular bike with no hands and I thought that was stupid." We shook our heads in agreement and went our separate New York ways. Who does that? I'm sure he crashed into a heap of snow or drowned in a puddle.

When I was about 2 blocks from home icicles suddenly started crashing down from trees. I thought I was going to die. I put my backpack (Yes, I'm cool and I wear a backpack!) over my head and ran. I have 3 fears about living in NYC: 1) That a tree might fall on me, 2) That an icicle might fall on me, and 3) Black cars...also known as car services. I still fear riding in them alone. It took me months before I would ride in a taxi by myself. This is coming from the girl who was terrified to drive at 16 and never liked to pump her own gas--a story for another day. Maybe I should move to Jersey? I hear they're not allowed to pump their own gas there.

After all of this snow, still no SNOW days off work. It's unfortunate. Word to the wise: Don't underestimate the depth of puddles around here. It's risky!


Nate and Erin Russell said...

bahahaha i think that man is awesome! as is that lady's comment. glad you documented it!!

Kassie said...

haha priceless ny moment. and yes the puddles are scary, even with tall rainboots i still worry i will get swallowed up!

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